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Conditions of Use

  Conditions of Use
Sale conditions for continental France, Corsica Monaco and Europe

All the informations that are present on the, non French languages pages, are a translation of the original text that is in French language.

In case of applicable law or any other business related to translations problems, the language and the web pages of this website that are applicable are the French language and the French language web pages.

Marketed products
1. Control - Sales contract - Invoice - Warranty
2. Prices - delivery
3. Payment
4. Guarantees
5. Withdrawal, Evidence - Litigation
6. Data Protection Act - Personal information


This website is published by the Limited Liability Company LORDS - Luminaires
LORDS - Luminaires - Limited liability company with a capital of 7500 Euros.



42, rue des coutures

Registered under the RCS Pontoise
SIRET number: 479 320 426 00014 - APE: 526B

VAT not applicable, art. 239 B of the French General Tax Code

Tel: 00 33 (0)1-39-83-43-24

These conditions aim to define the terms of sale between LORDS - Luminaires company, and the customer from the order phase to the after-sales services phases, including payment and delivery.
They regulate all the steps necessary from the placing of the order and follow up of this order between the contracting parties.

These terms and conditions govern the rules between LORDS - Luminaires company, hereafter referred to as the seller, and any customer residing in metropolitan France, and Europe here after referred to as the buyer wishing to make a purchase via the website of LORDS - Luminaires company ( .

All orders placed on our website means, from the buyer acceptance of the terms and conditions defined below.

If one or more rates were to be altered up or down during the season, these changes will be reflected on the prices of the items.
The maximum delivery time is 4 months.

These conditions relate exclusively to the non-commercial individuals.

The parties agree that their relations will be exclusively governed by this contract exclusion of any condition previously available on this website.

If a condition is found to be lacking, it would be governed by the procedures in force in the area of ​​distance selling companies with headquarters in France.

In the event that one of the clauses of this contract is null due to a change in legislation, regulation or court decision, this does not in any way affect the validity and of these general conditions.

These conditions apply throughout the duration of on-line products offered by LORDS - Luminaires company.

LORDS - Luminaires company comply with all the provisions of the Consumer Code on distance seelling that is applicable in France.

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This website is aimed at the commercialization of objects dedicated to the interior decoration of homes and more particularly:

- Marine decoration, maritime theme and all items relating to the sea
- Lamps, lanterns, candlesticks and burning perfumes in salt crystals from Poland.
reproductive rights
The items we sell are described and presented with the most accuracy.

The images on this site are for the sole purpose of promoting and selling products. These images are either the property of LORDS - Luminaires company, or have been supplied by our suppliers. They can not be sold and / or distributed. It is explicitly prohibited to sell any printed or electronic reproduction of the contents of this site.

In addition, all elements of this site, whether visual or audio, including the underlying technology, are protected by copyright, trademarks or patents.

They are the exclusive property of LORDS - Luminaires company.

Users with a personal or professional website who wishes to place, for personal or commercial use, on its website a direct link to any page of LORDS - Luminaires company website must asked and must be authorized by LORDS - Luminaires company, except in cases where LORDS - Luminaires company request this link (registration with directories, or partenership).

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The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the products sold are described in the datasheets for these products.

Photographs illustrating the products are outside the scope of the contract.

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The sales contract is a contract that is subject to French law and in particular the regulation of distance selling (Articles L. 121-16 to L. 121-20 of the Consumer Code) when the order is received by LORDS - Luminaires company.

In case of product out of stock or no more available, and upon receipt of the order, the buyer will be notified by e-mail, phone or mail to ask him or its decision to freeze the order up to receipt of goods or merchandise or to cancel order. In both cases, the buyer of purchased goods will decide.

In case of problems, the buyer is kept informed by e-mail of the follow up of it\s order and delivery date.
Orders are considered firm upon receipt by the seller of full contact buyer, and payment or transfer order (bank transfer).
Any order implies acceptance of the prices and descriptions of products available for sale and described on the website.
Any item/dispute on this point will occur within the framework of a possible exchange and guarantees mentioned below.

LORDS - Luminaires company engage to fullfill orders passed on the website only within the limits of available stocks of products. A lack of availability of the product, the company LORDS undertakes to inform the customer if it is a final non-availability or temporary non-availability.
For each product presented on the website LORDS - Luminaires company mentions "Contact us for availability at ". This means that the product are not available in the LORDS - Luminaires company stocks, but normaly available on our suppliers stocks.

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Invoice - Warranty
An invoice is included with every order. invoice details the item(s) by its references, description and the delivered quantity. This invoce also serves warranty. The date that is mentionned on this invoice is the starting date for warantly.
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2. Prices - delivery
Prices - VAT
All product offered and delivery terms, prices quoted in euros are only valid for France (excluding overseas territories), Corsica and Monaco and within the limits of availabletocks.
Prices are quoted in Euros.
The prices include French VAT.
The costs of transport for the rest of Europe are specific for each country and depends on the weight of the products.

For information rates for shipping in Europe are divided in 4 zones :

Zone A : European Union including Switzerland and Norways
Zone B : Countries of eastern europe outside Europe and Maghreb
Zone C : African countries (excluding North Africa), Canada, United States, Middle East
Zone D : Rest of the World

and the price depends of the weiht of the producs.
For more information, refer to the following website All our products are packaged by world prices of raw materials. Our prices areubject to change without prior notice from us.
In case your payment does not cover all of your purchases, you will beent information by e-mail, phone or mail to you either choisisiez cancel your order or adjust the additional missing.

These prices not include delivery costs defined below.
Seller engage the orders as soon as possible. The products are delivered by French Mail Post Office system. This period is 48 hours off during holidays and weekends in France, and a little more longer out of France for European countries. The seller can not be held responsible for delays in deliveries due to "force majeur" astrikes, natural disasters, fire, ...

In the online store of all products displayed on this website are:

  • either in stock in our offices - The presentation of the product page mentions
    Product Available . In this case the product you are delivered (e) within 48 hours upon receiving your payment.

  • being supply. In this case the presentation of the product page mentions
    Product Available within 5 to 10 days Contact us for availability at
    It is the case for products that we buy regularly from our suppliers and for which we have time supplies ranging from 5 to 10 days depending on the supplier for about the majority of articles and SEVERAL MONTHS FOR SOME OTHERS (if the products are out of stock at our suppliers stocks).

    When the statement Product Available within 5 to 10 days listed on the product dataheet contact us here , because the products may be not available.

    The maximum delivery time is 4 months. It corresponds to the maximum period supply of our suppliers

    Any products out of stock from our suppliers are automatically removed from the database.

    If the time displayed on the product page can not be met, we quickly inform the customer by e-mail or phone for the approximate date of delivery. That is the reason why we ask for this information in your order.

  • Risks transport
    EACH product is tested in our offices before packaging. Products are packaged in containers often oversized.

    Seller engage to ship goods in the goof conditions that insure the correct delivery to the buyer. Packages are insured for risks transports. It belongs to the buyer to make any provisions in cases of observed damage (open or damaged packaging, ...) to our main supplier (French Post Office) in order to apply this insurance/warranty. In case of damage, the buyer must inform the postal services to obtain warranty service and get the replacement of the product. In most cases it is necessary for the buyer, after the acceptance of the post office, to send back the damaged product to LORDS - Luminaires company, whithin the legal delay (7 days in France) after the receipt of the product. Then, LORDS - Luminaires company will make the exchange as soon as possible or refund.
    Goods are send all over Europe. For each country, the travel and delivery costs are different.

    In addition for countries that do not belong to European market (whose money is not the Euro - such as Switzerland), the banking transfert costs are differents than outside the European Union. In this case the banking transfert, or bank charges for international transfers, must be paid buy the buyer.

    It is the reason why the user should contact LORDS - Luminaires company and refer to chapter delivery of the webshop to review the terms and shipping costs.

    Deliveries in France
    Shipping fees are not included in the price of the products and are added to the amount of the order. The details of the delivery charges are listed on the order for deliveries on French territory metropolis.

    Deliveries outside France
    For deliveries outside France, the shipping costs depends on the country. Please contact us about this particular point for a quote.
    For deliveries outside France, the shipping costs and delivery times vary for each country. The shipping remains the responsibility of the buyer and is billed at real shipping cost. When applicable a additional price is added for special packaging. For more information, please contact us.

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    No other means of payment is accepted.
    Bank charges related to financial transactions are of the responsibility of the buyer. Contact us before ordering because in addition the shipping costs are different from those practiced in France.

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    products are guaranteed. conditions guarantees arepecified in Chapter
    1. Control - Sales contract - Invoice - Warranty
    Except in cases of warranty, all operations between LORDS - Luminaires company and its customers, uncontested within 30 days, can give rise to a claim.

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    withdrawal period
    According to Article L 121-16 of the French Consumer Code, if you were not satisfied with our products, or if the delivered product does not fit, we engage to find the best solution for meet your expectations. The French law gives you a seven-day period defined as "délai de rétractation" - withdrawal period. This withdrawal period of seven working days starts from the date of receipt of the goods.
    To apply this withdrawal period, you must (the buyer) return the product in its origin packaging. The product will be replaced or refunded depending on the choice of the buyer. The shipping and possible customs duties are of the responsibility of the buyer.
    Returns must be accompanied with the original receipt and returned in their original packagingn. If anything is missing, it will be charged to the customer a quantity of money.
    Returns must be done to

    42, rue des coutures
    95410 GROSLAY - FRANCE
    You can contact us in 3 diiferent ways:
    1) By e-mail.
    the easiest way and the fastest. Contact
    2) By mail to:
    42, rue des coutures
    95410 GROSLAY - FRANCE

    3) By phone:
    00 33 (0)1-39-83-43-24.
    Telephone contact is not treated as a priority.
    Conservation - archiving of transactions
    The records stored in the computer systems of LORDS - Luminaires company under conditions of reasonable safety. They will be considered as proof of communications, orders and payments between the parties.
    Purchase orders and invoices are archived on a reliable and sustainable way to maintain a faithfull and durable copy in accordance with Article 1348 of the French Civil Code and maintained in accordance with the rules of the French Commercial Code.

    LORDS - Luminaires company has, for all steps of website access, the ordering process, delivery or aftersales services, an obligation of result. example, the companyLORDS - Luminairesundertakes to describe with great accuracy the product sold on the website of LORDS - Luminaires company. However, the responsibility of LORDS - Luminaires company can not be engaged in case where failure to perform its obligations would be due to an unforeseeable and insurmountable third contract, or any incident of force majeure as defined by French jurisprudence and recorded as follow :
    " soit au fait imprévisible et insurmontable d’un tiers au contrat, ou de tout fait qualifié de force majeure telle que définie par la Jurisprudence francaise".
    Similarly, the responsibility of LORDS - Luminaires company can not be held liable for any inconvenience or damage inherent in the bad functionning of the Internet network, including a breakdown of service, external intrusion or presence of computer viruses.

    Sales Contract and applicable law - Order - Consideration of orders
    All the informations that are present on the non French languages pages are a translation of the original text that is in French language. In case of applicable law or any other business related to translations problems, the language that is applicable and the web pages of this website that are applicable are the French language and the french pages.

    The sales contract is a contract that is subject to French law and in particular the regulation of distance selling (Articles L. 121-16 and L. 121-20 of the French Consumer Code) when the right command is received by the seller.
    In the case of failure of one of those obligations one of the two parties (no payment by the buyer, no delivery of products taht were in our stocks when ordering or non-information to the buyer by the seller of stop of reference), these general conditions of sale (the actual contract) contract will be automatically terminated without any special condition and without prejudice to any damages that may be claimed from the defaulting party.

    In case of disagreement on the interpretation or execution of the contract terms of these "Terms and Conditions chapter", in case of dispute, and failing amicable agreement between the parties, the authority to statute on the dispute is given to the competent legal courts of PARIS. In this cas, the French legislation and the French text and French web pages of the present website will be applicable.

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    LORDS - Luminaires company reserves the right to collect customer data, including the use of cookies.
    Data collection by LORDS - Luminaires company, is necessary to take into account the requests of the user.

    Through LORDS - Luminaires company, you agree to receive e-mail and sales offers from other webshops of LORDS - Luminaires company (See links to the websites at the bottom of page), and be informed of special offers and new products from LORDS - Luminaires company.

    In accordance with the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 (called in France - loi Informatique et Libertés du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée -, the processing of personal data relating to the order, including the management of e-mail was the object of a statement to the CNIL on 08/10/2006.

    LORDS - Luminaires company is registered under the number 1197044.

    The buyer has at any time the right to access and rectify the information to concerns himself to LORDS - Luminaires company.

    This access can be
    - By post to the address indicated above, or
    - By email : click here
    - directly on the website by connecting to the login page
    LORDS - Luminaires company engage to never communicate your details to third parties without your approval.

    Customer Number
    Any user of the website of LORDS - Luminaires company does not hold a customer number must follow a procedure of registration to obtain a customer number. To do this, go to the "create an account"
    This will give a personal access. Any loss or omission must be reported to LORDS - Luminaires company.
    Completeness - length
    In the event that one of the clauses of this contract is null and not valid because of a change in legislation, regulation or court decision, this does not in any way affect the validity and enforceability of these general conditions of sale.

    These conditions apply throughout the duration of on-line services offered by LORDS - Luminaires company.

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    Home | Over ons | Partners | Contact | Uw vragen | De nieuwsbrief | Contact | TEXT_CONSEILS_FOOTER | Hoe te bestellen | Juridische informatie
    The other WEBSHOPS of LORDS company : (marine decoration) - (kleding en mariene kleding katoen) - - - (house decoration) - (lampen en gloeilampen)